Landscape connectivity, biodiversity restoration and resilience.
Our Mission
Long term protection of the natural environment.
Our Wandiyali mission revolves around improving the function and diversity of our CEEC Box Gum Grassy Woodlands, and thereby also habitat for threatened fauna - ground story for small mammals, mid story for small bush birds, for example. This, in addition to recent mass eucalypt recruitment, builds onto east west and north south connectivity to allow movement within and through the landscape.
“My vision, for as long as I can remember, has been to restore our (long absent) small-medium sized native mammals to this country - mouse, antechinus, rat, phascogale, bandicoot, bettong, quoll - a balanced cascade of ecosystem engineers. Via a science based series of translocations, monitored and shared (as much as is practical) with local school, political and corporate communities.”
Carolyn Larcombe, landowner
Our Management Committee
The Wandiyali Restoration Trust governing body has considerable experience & expertise:
Dr Alex (Sandy) Hume, Trustee, Avian and ‘Exotic Animal’ Veterinarian with 35 years experience.
Rainer Rehwinkel, Ecologist and Author, specialist in conservation of grassy and grassy woodland ecosystems.
Prof Sarah Legge, Wildlife Ecologist with 30 years of research and conservation management experience. Federal Threatened Species Scientific Committee member, Feral Cat Task Force.
Andrew Moore, Logistics & Governance, military and private project development and management.
Dr Mark Simpson, Small and ‘Exotic’ Animal Veterinarian, Scientist and passionate natural historian.
Dr Arianne Lowe, Wildlife, Private Exotics and Avian Veterinarian, Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Threatened Species Program.
Our Progress
Woody weed removal from 5km of Jerrabomberra Creek.
Midstory planting to improve habitat for Threatened Woodland Birds.
Landscape connectivity and community education regarding the CEEC (Critically Endangered Ecological Community) Box Gum Grassy Woodlands.
Yellow Box and Blakely’s Red Gum planting to restore trees on Derived Native Grasslands.
Restoring habitat by addition of Coarse Woody Debris.
Design and implementation of an Indigenous ‘Cool Patch’ burning program
Completion of a 9.6km Conservation Fence, enclosing 300Ha of Box Gum Grassy Woodland and other ecosystems.
Sustainability Partnership with Jerrabomberra High School
Wandiyali~Environa Wildlife Sanctuary is
”one of the very few large areas of Box Gum Woodland left in this part of the world which is under conservation protection”
— Rainer Rehwinkel - Grassy Woodland ecologist.