There is a ridge running approximately north-south, that forms a watershed across Wandiyali~Environa Wildlife Sanctuary. The east facing catchment drains into Barracks Creek and the Queanbeyan River, while the west facing slopes form part of the Jerrabomberra Creek mid catchment. Both flow into Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra (the Queanbeyan River via the Molonglo River, and Jerrabomberra Creek via Jerrabomberra Wetlands), part of the Upper Murrumbidgee Catchment.
Wandiyali: Landscape Recovery, Restoration and Resilience is a presentation given to the Upper Murrumbidgee Catchment Network, April 2021, and linked below.
Watershed. The foreground drains into Jerrabomberra Creek, and the background into the Queanbeyan River, and via Barracks Creek (July 2019) ©AlexLarcombe
West draining slopes into Jerrabomberra Creek (looking East, June 2020) ©DavidLarcombe
Wandiyali: Landscape Recovery, Restoration and Resilience
Upper Murrumbidgee Catchment Network presentation, April 2021.
Jerrabomberra Creek (July 2020) ©DavidLarcombe